Bernie Worrell and Steve Kimock |
Steve Kimock with Bernie Worrell, Wally Ingram, and Andy Hess performed together this summer including
a stop at The Grey Eagle in Asheville, North Carolina. The small club was packed to see the
four musicians with diverse musical backgrounds. Steve Kimock brought a large array of
guitars including one pedal steel and switched offed frequently. The quartet melded well with
Kimock singing melodies with his fingers. Wally Ingram stayed sharp on drums despite the
thick hot air in the back of the club by the stage. Andy Hess put down a subtle yet heavy-toned
bass. Bernie Worrell, a true living legend, burned a funky twist into the jams that kept the feet
moving. Seeing such a barrage of talent combine for summer night of entertainment was a
great treat for those who came.